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Important Update

Writer's picture: Kimberly SmithKimberly Smith

Is anyone else crying “Uncle” these days?

You know, when you’re wrestling someone stronger than you and ready to tap out. Finally, after giving all your strength, it’s time to admit defeat, and you cry out, “UNCLE!”

I feel like those uncle-moments are just coming more often. Don’t you? It’s like the minute you catch your breath, another crisis hits. Unfortunately, for some of you, it’s another tragedy. Another battle to fight through.


I was listening to Lisa Bevere this morning, and she was talking about the fact that despite the truth we know regarding the times we’re living in, we continue to be disillusioned by them. Rightfully so. And I agree.

What if the hits keep coming? What if every time you finally feel like exhaling, a gut punch is right around the next corner? I’ve said it before, but Girls, Jesus told us there would be days like this. Not if we have trouble, but when. Reread Mathew 24 and 2 Timothy 3. We are in those birth pains. And guess what? Birth pains get stronger and closer together.

Still, I think it’s hard to always feel up for the battle. I mean, I’m writing to tell you we’re postponing our BBx3 Women’s Conference. Yep, it stinks, and I’m sorry. But I’m the first to acknowledge that I am the main culprit for the push.

For those in our BBx3 Community on Facebook, you know I’ve had several ridiculous health challenges since 2020. Ridiculous and frustrating. BUT in late 2022, my thyroid issues went into remission. Yay, God! Then I started seeing a fantastic cervical spine chiropractor that completely stopped my Trigeminal Neuralgia pain. I was going into 2023 like it would be a GO year. Like it’s GO TIME.

And let me be clear. I still believe it will be. But unfortunately, I had a slight setback with an unexpected abdominal hysterectomy (not the laparoscopic kind I prayed for.) The surgery was a success. However, they say it will take 6 to 8 weeks to recover fully, thus the postponement. Ugh.

While your planning team is bummed, we know God wasn’t surprised. We’re determined that this extra planning time will only help us provide a better experience for you. This year's message is about standing firm, armoring up, and being ready for battle. Think princess warrior.

When I envision myself as a princess warrior, it is much like the photo above. Not a princess in a pink tutu, crown, and magic wand. While cute, it takes the real navy-seal-type warrior for our battle.

The shorter time gets for the enemy, the more he seems to be stirring it up. In all seriousness, it’s disillusioning. Things we can’t fathom happen day after day. 2 Timothy 3 is more evident to me all the time. Not only that, but we’re divided. Discouraged. Defeated. Distracted. ALL things the enemy loves.

My assumption is he’s found that if he can distract or keep me down physically, it’s a win for him. I will show otherwise. I am the 92%—a Peloton addict. (and apologize if you haven’t seen the commercial.) 😊

I do get a bit prideful about how healthy I eat and drink and exercise. In my defense, I wholeheartedly believe if I train like an athlete, I’ll be a better, stronger warrior.

What about you? What’s your target? What does the enemy seem to keep going after to keep you down, distracted, or defeated? Is it attack after attack on your marriage? Your kids? Your job or finances? Your health?

Whatever it is, we can’t give up. We are warriors, Beauties. We truly are. God has given us all that we need to fight these battles. We will have to get up bloody and bruised sometimes. The best soldiers do. But we win.


We win.

Three things as I go:

1) Look for the good—every single day. Get up and see something that makes you smile. Joy is part of sorrow, even when we’re suffering. Beauty is there. We need to seek it.

2) I encourage you to stay in the fight. Read your Bible. Keep those memory verses visible. Eat right, drink a ton of water, and move your body, even if that’s doing ankle circles in your bed! Finally, keep godly women in your life that will help dust you off and get you back on your feet. They are essential.

3) Take a deep dive into Ephesians 6 and the Armor of God. Read the commentaries.

Ask God to help you spiritually understand what He wants you to understand. He will.

Thank you for being so gracious in our delaying the conference. I promise it’s going to be FABULOUS! We’ll post the date on Facebook soon.

Someone needs to hear stay in the fight today. You can. 💪

We were born for such a time as this.

So much love! XO,

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